电梯游戏 5.6


导演:Rebekah McKendry 地区:美国 播出时间:2023/06/27
类型:恐怖  惊悚  剧情  

Supernatural horror, based on the eponymous online phenomenon, a ritual conducted in an elevator, in which players attempt to travel to another dimension using a set of rules that can be found online. The story follows Dale, a teenager who discovers that the night his sister disappeared she had played The Elevator Game. Ignoring the many online warnings, Dale resolves to follow and find her. But he learns the hard way that the warnings are there for a reason.

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标签: 剧情电影恐怖

Supernatural horror, based on the eponymous online phenomenon, a ritual conducted in an elevator, in which players attempt to travel to another dimension using a set of rules that can be found online. The story follows Dale, a teenager who discovers that the night his sister disappeared she had played The Elevator Game. Ignoring the many online warnings, Dale resolves to follow and find her. But he learns the hard way that the warnings are there for a reason.

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  • 释小龙,邹兆龙,刘天佐,郝劭文,徐少强,黄乔,张皓宇,文晴,蒋中炜,祝海钰,白龙
  • Aishwarya Lekshmi,Shine Tom Chacko,Swasika Vijay
  • 尼文·保利,Aditi Balan,Shammi Thilakan,Shine Tom Chacko,Remya Suresh,Manoj Omen,Dasan Kongad,Vijayaraghavan,Indrans,Sudheesh,Kainakary Thankaraj,Balan Parakkal,Jaffer Idukki,Anil Nedumangad,Shani Shaki
  • 戴维·霍华德·桑顿,Krystle Martin,蔡斯·马林斯
  • 凯文·哈特,伍迪·哈里森,凯莉·库柯,贾思敏·马修斯,艾伦·巴金,莱拉·罗兰,凯特·德拉蒙德,罗布·阿切尔,皮尔森·福德,山下智久,罗尼·罗,杰森·麦克唐纳,Tricia Black,Alejandro De Hoyos,简卡洛斯·卡纳拉,达林·贝克,费利佩·奥凯,James Collins,格里莎·帕斯特纳克,特洛伊·布德罗,辛西娅·罗恩,吉姆·查德
  • 刘学义,张晓龙
  • 米莉·波比·布朗,路易斯·帕特里奇,山姆·克拉弗林,亨利·卡维尔,海伦娜·伯翰·卡特,阿迪勒·阿赫塔尔,费奥纳·肖,弗朗西斯·德·拉·图瓦,苏珊·沃卡曼,伯恩·戈曼,杰伊·辛普森,乔基姆·斯卡利,欧文·阿特拉斯,哈蒂·莫拉汉,克莱尔·拉什布鲁克,埃莉·哈丁顿,丽贝卡·汉森
  • 维奥拉·戴维斯,查德维克·博斯曼,科尔曼·多明戈,格林·特鲁曼,迈克尔·波茨,杰里米萨默斯,约翰尼·科瓦内,泰勒·佩姬,杜山·布朗,约书亚·哈尔托,奎因·范安特卫普,克洛伊·戴维斯,梅特·纳塔利奥,约翰娜·埃尔米纳·莫伊兹,Onyxx Noel,詹姆斯·西耶斯基,威廉·卡尼亚
  • 丹尼尔·卡卢亚,勒凯斯·斯坦菲尔德,杰西·普莱蒙,多米尼克·菲什巴克,艾什顿·桑德斯,阿尔吉·史密斯,达里尔·布里特-吉布森,里尔·莱尔·哈瓦瑞,多米尼克·索恩,马丁·辛,阿马里·切托姆,克里斯·戴维斯,伊恩·达夫,卡勒布·埃伯哈特,罗伯特·朗斯特里特,汤米·拉菲特,特雷勒·希尔,齐纳·萨维尔斯,迈克尔·哈瑞蒂,迈克尔·博诺莫,布莱恩·鲍曼,杰梅因·福勒,洛根·弗莱,泰拉·乔伊·史密斯
  • 苏志燮,金允珍,林珍娜,崔广日,黄善熙

